Thursday, June 12, 2008

If you feel like feeling

Found this on Liz's Blog.

I am a lifelong fan of comics. They are a wonderful medium for telling a story. Some people get upset when adult stories (I'm not refering to porn, for once) are told in Comic Book form. They think it's only for kids.

Here are series of comics about the Earthquake in China. I got choked up and had to stop on only the second page. I'll let you know if I get brave enough to read a few more pages. Thats how amazing this medium is at delivering a message that a movie or tv show would need 30 minutes and 15 commercials to do.

Seriously, if you arent crying, I'll give you your money back. You've been warned!
UPDATED: The link has been moved to a Blog. It's not presented as well, but you will be able to see the strips. Start at the oldest post and work forward!!


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

God. I went to the link first, then came back to read the rest of your entry.

I'm crying.

Chris the Hippie said...

Geeze. I'm gonna have to come back to that. I got to the third page...


Anonymous said...

I was too slow. The link is down. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for re-sending the link. This stuff is amazing and heart-wrenching.

Unknown said...

Where's the link...I'll let you know if I shed a tear. But we both know the outcome

Julie said...

I only made through the 2nd one. Heart wrenching. I will try to read more. It's important. Thanks for sharing.