Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Some of my compulsions

This entry is inspired by an article on the following blog
You Are A Cog.: Compulsion, Part One

I dont think my compulsions are as interesting as Birdy's, but maybe somebody will get a laugh. I'm not even sure if all these are compulsions...some are just quirks.

* If we are leaving the house as a family, I have to be the last one out the door. Even though these people go in and out of the house all day when I'm gone, when we leave together, I'm afraid they may forget to fully close the backdoor, and the dogs will get into the backyard and bark at the neighbors the whole time we are gone. If someone leaves is still in the house, I'll go back in and make sure the back is fully shut and then wait until they get into the car.

* I cant swallow pills. I've never been able to this. Even the tiniest of pills I cant swallow. I can try to sneak it into food, or swallow water really fast, but my mind wont let it go down. I used to spend 20 minutes trying to swallow a pill and it would completely dissolve and I would be stressed. Sometime in High School I decided I would chew all my pills from now on, and I've been completely happy ever since. The irony for people that know me is that I dont really chew my food. I kinda take a bite and throw it back.

In college I used to test drugs for a pharmaceutical company. They would give me a pill, a coated pill, and a caplet...all of the same medicine, and then test my blood and urine every hour to see how fast my body absorbed each of them. I would pretend to swallow the pill and then chew it when I the nurse walked away. I probably completely skewed their study!

I can tell whats in most over the counter drugs by the taste now. Ibuprophen and Tylenol are tolerable Dont ever chew tetracycline, it's the worst tasting thing on the planet. I actually like the taste of Aspirin.

* I love the smell of gasoline

* I crack my neck every 10 minutes or so. I know exactly when I started too. I was in Mrs Jahn's math class in 7th grade (sometime in January 1984) and I twisted my neck and it cracked and felt really good....I kept trying to recrack it and havent stopped since.

I'm sure I have a few more that are glaring but I cant think of them just yet....


Anonymous said...

What started that back door thing? Did the dog get out?

steakbellie said...

yeah, acouple of years ago they got out while we were gone for 6 or 7 hours on a Saturday. They just sat in the backyard and barked the entire time. I felt like shit about it, although the bitch next door didnt call the police for some reason.

Anonymous said...

You should call the police on her for harassing your dogs. That would be the Republican thing to do.

"My dogs were contained, fenced in. They need to be outside so they don't urinate in the house, creating a health hazard. You tormented them, causing them to react in the way they did."

Call Animal Welfare too.

steakbellie said...

actually my justice is coming....I plan to write a post about it in the next week....