I assume alot and maybe you do too. Nurses wear those different colored 'scrubs'. Some have designs or colors, many are blue or green and seem to be made of cotton and kinda baggy like pajamas. I figured they got the term 'Scrubs' because that was what you changed into right before surgery and you scrubbed the crap out of your hands and arms like they always do on TV.
Philadelphia is home to many many large hospitals, and alot of the nurses who staff those facilities live in my neighborhood. You see these people at littleleague games, wrestling matches, Diners, and Barbeques wearing their scrubs. They wear them into food stores, on the train, and out in front of the building for a smoke.
I understand it's a uniform like everybody else has, but I thought the idea was to change into them just at the hospital so that you reduce the pathogens going into and coming out of that medical environment.
I'm not a germ freak so I'm not bothered by it other than the realization that I had the complete wrong impression about this. Did they used to do that, or did I get that idea from TV? Sounds to me like a good idea if they did do it.