Tuesday, December 28, 2004

They're gonna want to buy a nice frame for that

Bush Wins!
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
55,000 people dead as of this afternoon and over a million instantly homeless. We pledge $15 Million and give a hand-signed condolence letter from our President at the Ranch (where else?) My guess is that we spend $15 Million every hour or so over in Iraq. Supposedly THATS a humanitarian mission too.....Where are the "Armies of Compassion?" we've heard about? How about all these people who 'Voted for Morals?' Are they too busy now that someone really needs help?


steakbellie said...

USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog has more comments than mine. I guess people prefer anti-bush politics to my compassionate socialism. Fuckers.



steakbellie said...

It's only because I include photos of people winning! Who doesnt like that? Yeah I was surprised that anyone commented let alone read the thing.....feels pretty good to know I'm not the only one reading other peoples rants.....