Monday, December 27, 2004

Skeletor Rides the Trolley

Skeletor Wins!
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
I have this sneaky suspicion that this old lady who commutes on my Trolley, is actually Skeletor, from the Masters of the Universe. Skeletor doesnt realize it, but I actually met her a few years ago when my youngest son was taught by Amy (Skeltors Daughter) at preschool. I pointed out to my wife the amazing resemblance, but I dont think she really appreciates that information.

It's not that this lady is particularly old or wears a two tone blue body suit. It's just that she has a skull for a head. Her paper thin yellowish-green skin is stretched accross her face so tightly, and her eyes sink in unnaturally deep. I think if you wanted to poke her in the eye, you'd have to go elbow deep.

She has the tiniest nose, just like Skeletor would. Skeletor also draws her eyebrows on (further proof that she has a skull for a head)

Her hair is super short like a Buzz Cut. At first I thought she was recovering from Chemo or something, but after seeing her on my Trolley with the same short hair years later, I know that she's actually The Master of Evil. My guess is that the hair is glued to her skull to make her look more human.

She wears this big Animal Fur Jacket, which I now suspected she pelted from Battle Cat(HeMan's Tiger that he used to ride around on).

To further complicate my investigation, I get off before Skeletor does. I guess I should pick up a schedule to see if my line stops at Snake Mountain.


Anonymous said...

She could be the Red Skull - but you would need to find out of she's a facist in order to prove it. Watch out for the Dust of Death. It's Unearthly.

steakbellie said...

yeah, I guess I should be more careful. If she shows up with a huge Blue Staff with a Rams Skull on top, I'll know she really is Skeletor, but until then she could be any skull headed evil doer.....wait!!!! what if she's Ghost Rider, now taking Public Transportation?!?!?

steakbellie said...

Is it that stuff that comes out of the cigarette holder he has? How did Red Skull get ahold of an Unearthly Power? That would really fuck up my commute.....

steakbellie said...

I think you have the workings of a very good posting need only to tie it in at the last sentence to Socialism! (or at least alcoholism)

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